Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blood 81

Finally, they arrived before them.

Jonghyun: Yo people.

Danson: SHINee, i heard before. You are strong.

Jonghyun smirked.
Taemin walked over to Guigui,

Taemin:*smiled* Hey, i didn't see you before. You're cute.

Guigui:*thinking* Oh my god, he's beautiful.

Onew: Come back here Taemin.

Taemin walked back obediently,

Onew: SHINee, do a introduction.

Han: I will help them do.

Han walked over to Jonghyun pointing at his blonde fringe.

Han: Bling bling Jonghyun, the most nasty one in this squad.

Jonghyun eye widen but didn't object anything, Han continued.
Walking over to Key pointing his sliding metallic highlights bangs.

Han: Almighty Key, knows everything. WAY better than Jonghyun.

Key smirked.

Han: Maknae Taemin. Youngest here, But is also a very strong person. More over, he's the kindest and cutest here.

Han smiled at Taemin and raffled his hair.

Han: Flaming charisma Minho, Jonghyun's opponent.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes at Minho.

Han: Lastly. Leader Onew, in charge of SHINee's training and served as their big brother.

Guigui: So.. Han.. Are you very closed to them?

Han: Well, not very close. But can say i know their characteristics.

Onew: Aaron, where's that unknown species?

Aaron: It's down there.

Onew sped towards the window.

Onew: Taemin, do a check on him.

Taemin walked over, he blinked and his eyes changed to purple colour.

Taemin: Aiming target, scanning in progress.

Guigui: Taemin is a... Machine?!

Han: Of course not, but he can scan a person. Species, strength and weakness.

Jiro: That's so cool.

Taemin: Species unknown, strength unlimited, weakness none.

Taemin blinked his eyes and it became normal again.

Jiro : Sound pretty much invincible.

Minho: Now i know why it's 0% success rate.

Key: I'm so curious to fight with him.

Key smiled.

Danson: Shit!

Aaron, Jiro and Han run over to the window upon hearing Danson's curse.

Aaron: Where's he?

??: Looking for me?

All of them turned around in shock.

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